Saturday, March 16, 2013

Bubble and Bee's Pit Putty Stick in Orange Vanilla

I have been making a slow, gradual change transition to more natural products and one of the products I decided to switch out was my deodorant. I've been really fortunate and have only gone through two natural deodorants before I found one that worked for me. The first one I tried was by LaVanilla in Vanilla Grapefruit and I couldn't wear it for very long before I would smell. Also, each time I wore it I had problems with my asthma, I don't know if it caused my asthma attacks, but that just added another reason to just take it back.

After doing more research I came across some reviews for Bubble and Bee's Pit Putty. Bubble and Bee offers Pit Putty in three different forms: Spray; Stick; and Cream. I ended up purchasing the Pit Putty stick in Orange Vanilla.

 Forgive my photo, I touched the label with wet hands and the ink bled. 

Orange Vanilla smells like orange creamsicle candy. It lasts throughout the day and does help with wetness for the most part. The only issue I have with this is that it does crumble. It has to do with the formula and the temperature the pit putty stick is kept at.

I tried to smooth out what's left of my Pit Putty stick, but wasn't too successful

Since I am almost out of the stick I decided to order the Pit Putty cream in Orange Vanilla. I have read that the cream works the best. It was shipped out the same day I purchased it and I am definitely looking forward to receiving it.

*Disclaimer: I purchased this item with my own funds and am not being paid to provide review*

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